upcoming shows
It's holiday shopping season, and we'll be popping up at these fabulous local markets with cards and gifts aplenty. Come say hello at...

SLF Valentines Market
Packing love notes for the Somerville Local First Valentines Market and getting excited to hang with this awesome group of vendors. Come...
two new shops
You can now shop Revel Revel at two new locations! • Birch St House & Garden - 760 South Street, Roslindale, MA 02131 • Shine - 106...

We <3 Somerville
This weekend our Somerville print made a spalshing debut at Somerville Open Studios. Inspired by vintage travel posters and our favorite...

Somerville Open Studios
Hooray! Its almost here - Somerville Open Studios! Did you know that Somerville has more artists per capita than any other U.S. city...